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Temporary Nursing Staffing Company

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By Phil Cohen

Temporary Nurse Staffing Company Testimonials

An Opportunity for Acquisition

Barry was the office manager of a temporary nurse staffing company for many years when he was approached with a great business opportunity. The owners of the business were ready to retire and offered to sell their medical staffing company to him. The owners wanted to see their business advance, so they hoped that Barry would agree to buy the business and take over the ownership duties.

If not, they would have to look to sell to an outsider running the risk of losing what made the agency unique. They felt that Barry was the best fit for managing the business. He would ensure the on-going success of their temporary nurse staffing company. The owners were even willing to work out a purchase plan with Barry so that he could make payments over time rather than all at once, but he would still need to make a significant down payment in order to secure ownership of the nurse staffing business.

Collateral Needed for Investment

This opportunity was extremely exciting for Barry and he felt that it would be a great career move. He knew the ins-and-outs of the nurse staffing industry and was confident that he would continue to operate profitably. In a few years, with aggressive sales to area hospitals and nursing homes, he would be able to increase profits for the nurse staffing business. Barry only had one concern. He had no idea where he was going to get the money he needed for the down payment.

Temporary staffing organizations simply don’t have the type of hard assets banks require as collateral. Also, the sellers were willing to take a note financing most of the business, but in return, they would not allow any senior debt on the balance sheet. If he absolutely had to, Barry could guarantee the loan personally, but that was his absolute last option. There had to be another alternative for Barry to secure the working capital that he needed.

Cash Available in the Outstanding Receivables

Looking over the financials, Barry began to realize that there was a significant amount of accounts receivable outstanding. The owners had not been aggressive in collecting or managing their accounts receivable. The services had already been given, the employees had been paid, but the invoices were still outstanding. Barry remembered seeing an advertisement in one of his staffing journals for PRN Funding, LLC, an accounts receivable factoring company that turned receivables into cash immediately. Immediately, he called PRN Funding and spoke to an account specialist for his business cash flow solution. PRN’s factoring programs for nurse staffing agencies were just what he needed.

A Successful Nursing Staffing Company

Just as the owners of the nurse staffing company were preparing to sell him the business, Barry was able to establish a relationship with PRN Funding. PRN Funding bought the outstanding invoices, even the invoices that had been issued months ago, and gave the temporary staffing business with an immediate cash advance.

Barry used the funds from the cash advance to make the down payment on the business. PRN Funding was also able to actively and professionally collect on the outstanding accounts receivable, freeing up more time for Barry to concentrate on operating his business and ensuring the continued success of HIS nurse staffing company.

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Phil Cohen

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