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How Healthcare Staffing Agencies Can Benefit From Mobile Recruiting

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By Phil Cohen

The world of technology is ever-changing and the way job seekers are searching for openings is no exception. According to Marketwatch, 90% of job seekers who have a smartphone would prefer to use it to search for a job. This is known as mobile recruiting. Mobile devices allow candidates to upload their resumes and other documents more easily through their phones and tablets. They can quickly create a profile and have their matches sent directly to their devices.

Benefits to mobile recruiting in healthcare:

  • Search for open positions
  • Receive alerts about the job status
  • Apply to jobs
  • Application tracking
  • Sharing capabilities via social media

You may be thinking, why can’t candidates do these things on a desktop computer? The answer is they can but, with the increasing use of mobile devices in recent years, they don’t want to. Candidates applying for a healthcare position would rather use their mobile devices than a desktop computer because mobile devices come everywhere with us. If a job seeker is in a waiting room or on a lunch break during school, a tablet or phone can be easily used rather than a desktop computer to search for jobs.

Mobile recruiting is equally as beneficial to healthcare staffing recruiters as it is job seekers. Those in the medical recruiting industry have to be savvy with the most up-to-date technology for acquiring qualified candidates. Candidates want to see that their future employers understand the technology and the importance of mobile recruiting.

Tips to increase mobile recruiting:

1. Make website mobile-friendly

Many candidates will visit your website to find more information before they apply. If they visit your site from a mobile device and it doesn’t adjust or respond to their screen, they may move on to someone else without giving you a fair chance. CareerBuilder found that 65% of candidates would immediately leave a company’s website if it was difficult to read or use on their mobile device. This also pertains to healthcare clients who may be looking to hire your staffing agency. If a client notices your website is not mobile-friendly, they may question how you are able to bring in a large number of qualified candidates.

2. Social media

Directly communicate with candidates on social media. It’s always important to keep job seekers updated with information while they’re on the go. Although social media and mobile recruiting both works well on their own, they can be even more effective when used together. Staffing agencies can use social media to advertise job openings as well as inform potential candidates and highlight the agency to potential clients. This way, when candidates begin to look for an opening or healthcare clients are searching for a staffing agency to hire, the social media accounts are up and running.

3. Text Applicants

If applicants agree to text, it can be a helpful way to schedule interviews and provide updates about open positions. Billions of people use texting and it can be an easier way to reach candidates in a timely fashion.

4. Attend Recruiting Events

Staffing agencies specializing in healthcare recruiting should attend events regularly to reach potential candidates. Whether it’s a career fair at a nursing school or a job event at a community college focusing on the healthcare industry, there are many recruiting opportunities. While attending these events, bring a tablet and ask candidates to fill out a mobile form so they realize your agency is tech-savvy and ready to accept applicants via tablets and smartphones. Having job seekers fill out a mobile form will make it easier for storing applicant information for future use. Also, ask them to connect with your firm via social media. You can use this information to reach out to them via email or social media at a later date.

5. Become Video Savvy

Video content is a unique way to reach out to candidates and future clients. Videos can help your audience learn about the job they may want to apply for or help clients understand how the recruiting process works. Apps such as Facebook have ‘live’ features where any interested applicant can join a session and listen, watch or participate by asking questions. To take advantage of Facebook Live, staffing agencies can hold a live job search session and take inquiries from applicants. Healthcare staffing companies can also conduct mobile interviews through videos with apps such as Skype and FaceTime.

The ability to reach candidates via mobile devices is an advantage to healthcare staffing agencies. For a company that has no mobile strategy in place, it can sound difficult at first, but with some planning and goal setting staffing agencies will find mobile recruiting to be effortless and effective.

Mobile strategies may require you to reduce your application length and only include questions that are absolutely necessary. Everything else you can find out in the first round of interviews. However, your staffing agency decides to work the mobile recruiting process, be sure to provide an innovative online experience for candidates and potential clients.

Thanks to mobile recruiting, healthcare staffing agencies can connect with candidates anywhere in the world at any given time.

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Phil Cohen

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