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Massachusetts Passes ICU Nurse Staffing Law

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By Phil Cohen

In response to efforts by the Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United, the Massachusetts legislature has passed a law establishing minimum nurse staffing ratios in the state’s intensive care units.

The bill, An Act for Patient Limits in All Hospital Intensive Care Units, requires every ICU to place no more than two patients under a single nurse’s care at any time. Every patient must have at least one nurse caring for them, though a nurse may make a decision to care for an additional patient if one case is less severe.

Battles over nurse staffing limits and guidelines have gone on between the MNA and the state’s hospital groups for more than 15 years, with hospitals contending that such guidelines would unnecessarily restrict their ability to operate. The MNA has countered that staffing guidelines would increase the quality of patient care, safety, and satisfaction. The conflict came to a head when the MNA gained support for two direct ballot initiatives, which they have agreed to withdraw from this November’s ballot following the passage of this bill.

MNA members will continue to press for an expansion of this law to include nurse staffing ratios in every department of the hospital. Even now, however, Massachusetts hospitals will need to bring on more nurses to ensure compliance with new ICU staffing guidelines. Temporary nurse staffing agencies stand to benefit greatly from this bill, not only for the ease of filling positions but also for the flexibility to meet changing unit needs based on admission rates.

Prepare your Massachusetts temporary nurse staffing agency by recruiting new nurses and networking with area hospitals – and make sure you have the working capital to support future growth! PRN Funding’s temporary nurse staffing factoring program is ideal for agencies of all sizes and situations to invest in new opportunities. Learn more about the benefits of nurse staffing factoring for your company and contact PRN Funding to begin factoring immediately.

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Phil Cohen

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