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Study Reveals Nurse Practitioners as Most Satisfied Healthcare Workers

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By Phil Cohen

When it comes to overall healthcare employee satisfaction, a recent study released by Staff Care (a physician and nurse practitioner division of AMN Healthcare Inc.) revealed that nurse practitioners may be the most satisfied healthcare workers in the nation.

In a survey conducted by Staff Care, 99 percent of nurse practitioners said that they have high hopes about the future of their profession. Among the nurse practitioners surveyed, 96 percent admitted that they would follow the exact same career path if they had the choice to start their professional careers over again. Furthermore, 97 percent reported that they would also recommend pursuing the same profession to their children or other young people.

However, physicians did not seem to share this sense of optimism toward their career. Research conducted by the AMN division Merritt Hawkins revealed that a mere 13 percent of surveyed physicians conveyed optimistic thoughts about the future of medicine, while only 42 percent would recommend the same career path for their children or other young people.

Regardless of the high levels of job satisfaction felt by many nurse practitioners, there may be a shortage of employees in the profession across the country. Among those who responded in the nurse practitioner survey, 75 percent expressed their concerns of a national shortage of employees within the profession, whereas only 23 percent said the supply was enough. Additionally, 80 percent admitted that they were overworked or performing at full capacity.

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Phil Cohen

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